App for Campus-Webportal - SRH Hochschule Heidelberg - Campus Stuttgart

Do you study at the SRH Heidelberg? Did you know there's an app for mobile access to SRH Heidelberg? Studo is the smart addition to Campus-Webportal.

As a student you have exclusive access to the Studo App on SRH Hochschule Heidelberg - Campus Stuttgart. More than 400,000 students already rely on the Studo app!

Log in on your smartphone to the app for Campus-Webportal.

iOS App für SRH Hochschule Heidelberg - Campus StuttgartAndroid App für SRH Hochschule Heidelberg - Campus Stuttgart

The official cooperation of SRH Hochschule Heidelberg - Campus Stuttgart with Studo provides you with the best possible service. This includes the free PRO version of Studo. 😃

What can the Studo app do on the SRH Heidelberg?

As a student at SRH Hochschule Heidelberg - Campus Stuttgart, you will benefit from numerous online services offered by the university. With the Studo app for Android and iOS you can access the following services of your university:

After the Campus-Webportal login in the app, you have automatically set up for yourself:

This way you can quickly access the Campus-Webportal pages even if you have a bad internet connection. 🤝

With Studo, according to 1000 students surveyed, you save 5-10 minutes per day. Save valuable time that you can use to study for exams.

How do I get the Studo app?

Download the Studo App now for free for your smartphone and start your study day organized!!

iOS App für SRH Hochschule Heidelberg - Campus StuttgartAndroid App für SRH Hochschule Heidelberg - Campus Stuttgart

Set up SRH Hochschule Heidelberg - Campus Stuttgart calendar on iPhone or Android smartphone

Instructions for setting up the Campus-Webportal calendar on your cell phone:

  1. Download Studo App for Campus-Webportal
  2. Log in to the app and link it to your SRH Heidelberg account.
  3. The calendar is automatically set up through the Campus-Webportal login and synchronizes itself independently.
Unlike Google Calendar or Apple Calendar, you can also hide individual appointments from the Campus-Webportal in Studo. 👌

Other supported universities and colleges in Stuttgart

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iOS App für SRH Hochschule Heidelberg - Campus StuttgartAndroid App für SRH Hochschule Heidelberg - Campus Stuttgart