App for ECAMPUS - Management Center Innsbruck

Do you study at the MCI Innsbruck? Did you know there's an app for mobile access to MCI Innsbruck? Studo is the smart addition to ECAMPUS.

As a student you have exclusive access to the Studo App on Management Center Innsbruck. Download right now! More than 400,000 students already rely on the Studo app! By the way: Over 3,000 students study at MCI Innsbruck This makes MCI Innsbruck one of the three largest universities in Innsbruck.

Log in on your smartphone to the app for ECAMPUS.

iOS App für Management Center InnsbruckAndroid App für Management Center Innsbruck

The official cooperation of Management Center Innsbruck with Studo provides you with the best possible service.

What can the Studo app do on the MCI Innsbruck?

As a student at Management Center Innsbruck, you will benefit from numerous online services offered by the university. With the Studo app for Android and iOS you can access the following services of your university:

After the ECAMPUS login in the app, you have automatically set up for yourself:

This way you can quickly access the ECAMPUS pages even if you have a bad internet connection. 🤝

With Studo, according to 1000 students surveyed, you save 5-10 minutes per day. Save valuable time that you can use to study for exams.

How do I get the Studo app?

Download the Studo App now for free for your smartphone and start your study day organized!!

iOS App für Management Center InnsbruckAndroid App für Management Center Innsbruck

Set up Management Center Innsbruck calendar on iPhone or Android smartphone

Instructions for setting up the ECAMPUS calendar on your cell phone:

  1. Download Studo App for ECAMPUS
  2. Log in to the app and link it to your MCI Innsbruck account.
  3. The calendar is automatically set up through the ECAMPUS login and synchronizes itself independently.
Unlike Google Calendar or Apple Calendar, you can also hide individual appointments from the ECAMPUS in Studo. 👌

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iOS App für Management Center InnsbruckAndroid App für Management Center Innsbruck