He got lost on the way to the lecture hall. Thick concrete walls in the basement of the university blocked any internet connection and thus access to the university website. Telematics student Valentin Slawicek arrived far too late for the lecture and felt frustrated: It was in 2014 and there was no app that could have helped him to quickly find the location of his lecture hall. That very afternoon, he started to develop the first prototype of the Studo App.
Born out of a spontaneous idea, the app is now a trusted companion for more than 400,000 students. Studo, the university student app, and the team behind it have evolved since then - and still remain true to their five core values.
The Studo team consists of creative, curious developers and communicators and shares one big mission: to be a constant supporter of students and universities. Why? Because education is the key to an empowered, happy and sustainable society and by developing its own services, Studo contributes to an efficient and modern organization in the field of higher education.
№ 1 – Quality
By students for students. The Studo app is based on this motto and has been intensively developed since 2016. An experienced team of developers, some of whom are still active students, takes care of the maintenance and further development of the Studo App. We value an ongoing feedback process with students and universities. This way, we always develop the app according to the wishes and needs of the users - with highest quality and security.
№ 2 – Security
Data protection and data security are the most important concerns of the Studo team. We reduce access to data to an absolute minimum in order to ensure greater security. The university data of our users are at no time in our hands, the data always remains on the university servers. The user name and password of the university account are only stored in encrypted form in an area on the user's device that is secured by the operating system. You can find out more about data protection in the Studo app here.
Our Studo App has also been awarded the TÜV SÜD software test mark following an extensive software quality test. The Studo App is certified in the area of functionality according to ISO/IEC 25051:2014. In addition, TÜV SÜD certifies in an expert report that the requirements for data protection and data security are fulfilled (based on article 25 and 32 GDPR).

With our servers located exclusively in the EU, the highest level of security and data protection is also enabled. Information such as personal calendar entries and messages in the Studo app chat are also backed up exclusively on servers in the EU by EU companies for maximum data security.
№ 3 – Inclusion
Studo lives an inclusive and holistic approach. Did you know, for example, that blind students can also use the Studo App? Thanks to the accessibility of the Studo App, students with impairments can move around the campus and study independently. Studo is also inclusive for students who study at several universities. They can use the app across universities and thus easily organize their studies with several university systems, mail accounts and so on.
Inclusion is also essential for us when cooperating with universities. The Studo App does not replace university systems, but integrates the numerous systems into one easy-to-use app. The mobile service is an ideal complement for students and universities. It doesn't matter how many systems a university has - you can find them all clearly in the app.
№ 4 – Consistency
"We want to build a company and a corporate culture that is sustainable and consistant." This was clear to the Studo founders from the very beginning. Not only in the development of the app, but also cooperating with universities and in the communication with users, all actions are sustainable. Only then can students and universities be confident that Studo will be a reliable partner throughout their entire study life. Part of this sustainable partnership is the open feedback culture with which the Studo App and optional add-on modules are further developed. This ensures that Studo as a whole continues to develop in a sustainable way.
№ 5 – Love Brand
For us, Studo is a love brand. A brand that exerts such a strong attraction on users that it is not only preferred over other brands, but even "loved". At Studo, you can see this in the enthusiasm of students and universities and in the dedication with which the Studo team works on the app. People remain loyal to a love brand, and so the app actually accompanies students throughout their entire study life. And for the Studo team? For them, "Studo - the app for your studies" already became the app for life.