close up of man sitting with his smartphone in front of a laptop

Technical details of Studo App

Behind the scenes

On the following pages, we have collected all the relevant information on the technical details of the Studo App for IT managers and staff, IT security experts and data protection officers. Here you will get an insight into the unique technology behind the Studo App.

The Studo App is not only characterised by the unique Studo Browser architecture, but also by numerous development projects that have been created in cooperation with universities. If you are interested in one of our products or would like to realise a development project yourself, you can contact Zoltan Sasvari, CTO of Studo, directly with an enquiry.

The Studo App is a browser that is very frequently used by students (especially in Germany and Austria) and is optimised for mobile and simplified access to university management systems. Students can access important websites of their universities in the Studo App and use other university-independent services.

MOCS technology

The Studo app is based on MOCS technology (Mobile Optimised Campus Services) and thus supports all the technologies and frameworks listed in the MOCS functional description. Studo serves as an international reference app for MOCS technology.

You want to start Studo in your country? Start launching your own MOCS app, migrate your existing university app to MOCS or start reselling Studo in your country. Contact us here.

Data protection and data security

Data protection and data security have the highest priority at Studo. The students' personal access data is, of course, sent exclusively to the university's servers and no processing or storage of the students' personal access data takes place outside the area encrypted locally in the app and protected by the operating system. This means that students do not pass on any of the university's user names and passwords to third parties. Studo's entire server infrastructure is located in the EU and operated by EU companies. Our data centers Scalingo and 3DS Outscale are ISO/CEI 27001 certified. You can find out more about data protection in the Studo app here.

The software quality and data security of the Studo app have also been awarded the TÜV SÜD software test mark. Studo App meets the recognised requirements for software quality in terms of functionality (ISO/IEC 25051:2014). The audit of the underlying quality system (development and maintenance processes as well as quality management based on ISO 9001) did not reveal any complaints.

Accessibility of the Studo App

In line with our corporate value of inclusion, the development team behind Studo takes great care to ensure that the Studo App is accessible to everyone. Our aim is to support all students with the app and to enable them to study and organise themselves independently. Using the EU regulation EN 301 549 v3.2.1, based on the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1, the accessibility of the Studo App was audited and compliance with the guidelines was determined. You can find the audit report here.

red graphic with picture of two men at FH JOANNEUM

What is the business model of Studo?

Students have the option of purchasing the so-called PRO version in the Studo App. With the PRO version, additional features such as an extended calendar view (40 weeks instead of 2 weeks, exam view, etc.) or additional search functions are activated and the banner advertising in the app is switched off.

Studo is also cooperating with universities, for example to make the PRO version available free of charge and to implement digitalisation projects together with universities. You can find more information about this here.

Development projects with universities

In order to provide students and universities with the best possible support in times of digitalisation, Studo works very closely with universities. This is how our numerous additional modules were developed, which can be used to supplement the Studo App. You can find out more about our development services here.

For example, we are particularly proud of our close cooperation with the campus management system CAMPUSonline, the open-source contributions to the open-source campus management system FH-Complete, exciting development projects together with students and, of course, the Studo App, which has been developed by students for students since 2016. Learn more about Studo in our founding story and in this article about our five corporate values.

Zoltan Sasvari

Head of Development
White board with stickypapers
Bugs before features? How we prioritize software development at Studo11.05.2022

How does the Studo development team decide which feature to develop next? What role do "bugs" play in this prioritization process? In this blog post, we want to give a little insight into how our development team works and prioritizes.